Category Archives: Uncategorized


Hello SVF members. The tables have been recovered. A request has been made by a member of the board to remind all members; Please do not conduct fueling operations on the tables as fuels spills may ruin the new coverings. You cooperation is most appreciated.


Hello SVF members. For those of you who haven’t been out to the field since the Ramada completion, see screenshot below showing what it looks like.


2019 SVF Paving Project

January 2018 – Annual Winter Warbird’s Event

We had an excellent turnout for our Winter Warbird’s event last year!  Thanks to everyone that participated as well as our spectators.  It was an exciting couple days and we had some fantastic aircraft on the field.  For more information regarding the event please take a look through our club newsletter, the ‘Slow Roll’.

Here are some highlights from our two day Winter Warbirds fly-in that took place in the past.
Hope to see you out at the field soon!

Election Season 2016

As the spring weather warms up so does the SVF election season.  This is a special time for the club as the nomination process begins and the voting commences.

This year happens to be an active season with three incumbants re-running for the board (1 stepping down), a contested President position along with three other Officer positions up for grabs and last but not least – five candidates on the ticket looking to represent the membership and lead the club towards the future.  As a member, you should have received an email outlining the voting instructions.  If you have not received the email please contact  or  You can also vote by attending the 7pm May 4th meeting  at the Deer Valley Airport restaurant and casting your ballot in person.  Online voting is open from 5pm 4/29/16 until 5pm 5/4/16.

In addition, the candidate biographies are contained in this months Slowroll for your reference so that you can make an educated vote regarding the person(s),  values and skill sets that you would like to support.

Please take a few moments to review the candidates and what each bring to the table for the future of the Sun Valley Fliers prior to submitting your vote.

Thanks again and we look forward to another great year of flying!!


Online Payments

Hello SVF!  We have just recently setup the ability to pay online for new memberships and renewals.  The process is easy to follow and convenient.

Step 1: Click the Join/Renew link on the website’s navigation bar.

Step 2:  Fill out your current contact information and AMA info.

Step 3: Choose a membership and add it to your cart.

Step 4: Check out using Paypal.  Paypal will allow you to use a normal debit/credit card or your Paypal account.  You do not need to have a Paypal account to complete this process.

We hope this simplifies the process for everyone involved and look forward to seeing you out at the field!

Website Status Update!

The board unananmously approved the new site at the last board meeting that took place on Tuesday September 15th 2015.  Stay tuned for future updates and improvements.

Website Status



We are currently in the process of updating our site to a modern format.  The legacy site will still be available if you prefer that layout/content.  This transition is currently in the testing phase and will be reviewed at the next board meeting.